Assemblies & Collective Worship
Every day, we meet together as a school
These assemblies are different each day:
Mondays - with Miss Spaul – welcome to the week, Zones of Regulation, exploring our half-termly value and special events;
Tuesdays - alternating between Open the Book and our house team projects
Wednesdays - with Mr Hunt learning First Aid – this is a statutory requirement for PSHE education;
Thursdays - with Mrs Bethell – musical appreciation in our singing assembly;
Fridays - Otter class lead our celebration ‘SUPERSTAR’ assembly.
Assemblies are important to share consistent messages to all children across the school. We learn moral, social and cultural content and some of our statutory elements to PSHE as a whole school. For example, safeguarding messages, online safety, personal safety and first aid. Many aspects of the curriculum are also covered during assembly time. If you have any questions about what we learn in school please do get in touch.